The Word in Color, Action, Music, and Form
October 27-29, Arts in Celebration!
Today, as in the past, monastic life is an expression of the Christian experience that is particularly open to music and the arts. By seeking to glorify God in all things, together with the daily practices of prayer and work in the monastery, the shape of the monastic environment is predisposed to creative acts inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The final meeting of the 2017 symposium takes place at the Community of Jesus, an ecumenical monastery in the Benedictine tradition, known for its commitment to sacred music and art. The weekend session combines lectures and panel discussions; liturgies of the Divine Office and Eucharist; and the arts as they are exhibited within the “living laboratory” of a monastic community:
Spirito Creatore
Announcing the USA opening of Spirito Creatore, an exhibition of contemporary sacred art by Susan Kanaga, an American Protestant woman (Orleans, Cape Cod), and Filippo Rossi, an Italian Catholic man (Florence, Italy). The opening of the Spirito Creatore exhibit is featured at the International Symposium, The Arts and Ecumenism: What Theology Risks in Artistic Creation, celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The exhibit was inaugurated at the newly opened Il Grande Museo del Duomo, (Florence Cathedral Museum) in Florence, Italy in May 2017.
Organ Concert by Gabriele Giacomelli
Join us for an organ concert by guest artist, Gabriele Giacomelli, Italian organist and musicologist from Florence, on October 29th at 3:00pm on the E.M. Skinner organ at the Church of the Transfiguration, Rock Harbor Orleans. Tickets: 508-240-2400. Gabriele Giacomelli collaborates as musicologist with the Opera di Firenze-Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the ORT-Orchestra della Toscana, the Ravenna Festival etc. He teaches History of Music at the «G. B. Martini» Conservatory in Bologna.
Ubi Caritas: Celebrating our Common Heritage in Gregorian Chant
Exhibits and Live Demonstrations of Mosaic, Fresco, Icons, Textiles, and Contemporary Sacred Art
(photo credit: Robert Benson)
27-29 ottobre 2017
The Word in Color, Action, Music, and Form
La Parola in colori, in scena, musicata e scolpita
Tra i contesti d’esperienza cristiana aperti alle arti e alla musica, oggi come in passato ha particolare importanza la vita monastica, in cui la dimensione contemplativa predispone l’atto creativo libero in cui si riscontra la presenza dello Spirito Santo.
Così l’ultima sessione del convegno si sviluppa in un monastero ecumenico della tradizione benedettina, la Community of Jesus, nota per l’impegno nei campi della musica sacra e dell’arte. La sessione abbina relazioni scientifiche con esempi di produzione d’arte contemporanea e performance musicali, all’interno della ‘griglia’ tipicamente monastica della solenne celebrazione della liturgia.
Al monastero della Community of Jesus viene riproposta la mostra collaborativa inaugurata a maggio a Firenze, di opere di Susan Kanaga, americana e protestante (membro della Community of Jesus), e di Filippo Rossi, italiano e cattolico.
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27-29 octobre 2017
The Word in Color, Action, Music, and Form
La Parole en couleurs, en scène, en musique et en sculptée
Parmi les différentes expériences chrétiennes ouvertes aux arts et à la musique hier comme aujourd’hui, la vie monastique a une importance particulière, dans la mesure où la dimension contemplative prédispose à un acte créatif libre, dans lequel se rencontre la présence du Saint-Esprit.
Ainsi, la dernière session du Colloque en cinq parties se déroulera dans un monastère œcuménique de tradition bénédictine, la Communauté de Jésus (Community of Jesus), connue pour son engagement dans les domaines de la musique sacrée et de l’art. La session combine des interventions scientifiques avec des exemples de productions d’art contemporain et de performances musicales, à l’intérieur du cadre typiquement monastique de la solennité de la célébration liturgique.
Dans le monastère de la Communauté de Jésus se trouve une seconde édition de l’exposition œcuménique inaugurée au mois de mai à Florence, avec des œuvres de Susan Kanaga, américaine et protestante (membre de la Communauté de Jésus), et de Filippo Rossi, italien et catholique romain.
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