Paris, France | May 12-14
Friday, May 12
L’Institut Catholique de Paris
21 Rue d’Assas, 75006 Paris, France
Morning: The Problem and the Question
9 – 10 Registration/Welcome: Room B01: coffee, tea, orange juice
Bookstore: place to chat
10 – 10,45 Opening Conference presided over by the Director and in the presence of Dean Courau.
Ricoeur Amphitheatre: Words of welcome (Dean)
General presentation of the Symposium and of the different partners: Strasbourg, Florence, Yale
Presentation of the research quest of the International Symposium
Presentation of the Paris Symposium: its research agenda and its program
Practical Information
10,45 – 11,30 First Conference: Arts and Theology – Christoph Theobald
11,30 – 12,00 Break/Coffee, Bookstore
12,00 – 12,45 Second Conference: Arts and Theology – François Cassingena
12,45 – 14,00 Break/Meal
Afternoon: Artistic Creation and the Image of the Bird
14,00 – 14,15 Introduction to the afternoon
14,15 – 14,45 From palette to bird: the paintings of Braque – Martine Sautory
14,45 – 15,15 The bird: Paradigm of poetic creation – Florent Dumontier
15,15 – 15,45 Discussion with the audience
15,45 – 16,15 The Music of the Bird – André Dupleix
16,15 – 16,45 Flight in the Sculpture of Brancusi – Martine Grenier, Marielle Besançon
16,45 – 17,15 Discussion with the audience
17,15 – 18,00 Third Conference: A time to summarize and to synthesize the day (Villepelet and Hétier)
From 19,00 on Buffet and Artistic soirée presented by André Dupleix (in Room B01 or the Salle des Actes)
Saturday, May 13
Morning: Towards the Theology of the Spirit
9,00 – 9,30 Problem & Theme of the day
9,30 – 10,00 First Conference: The Spirit in the Fathers of the Church – Br. Isaiah Gazzola, O.C.
10,00 – 10,30 Second Conference: The Spirit in Florentine Art – Msgr Timothy Verdon
10,30 – 11,00 Break
11,00 – 11,30 Third Conference: Biblical Theology of the Spirit and Contemporary Art – Jérôme Cottin
11,30 – 12, 15 Fourth Conference: Towards a Theology of Spirit – Jean-Louis Souletie
12, 15 – 14,00 Break/Meal
Afternoon: Artistic Creation and Theology of the Spirit
14,00 – 14, 15 Reconvene and Proposal of the Workshops
14,15 – 15,15 Workshops
15,15 – 15, 30 Break
15,30 – 16,30 Large Round Table
16,30 – 17,00 Conclusions and Perspectives
Strasbourg, France | May 19-21
Friday, May 19
Palais Universitaire
9 Place de l’Université, Strasbourg, F-67081
Theological and Aesthetic Foundations
8,45 – 9,00 Welcome and overview of the days program
9,00 – 9,30 From Paris to Strasbourg: reprise, Denis Hétier
9,30 – 10,15 The visual experience of God in the Old Testament – Jan Joosten
10,15 – 11,00 The visions of several mystics of the Rhine area (Tauler, Hildegard of Bingen, Nicolas de Cues): forms, functions, meaning – Rémi Valléjo
11,00 – 11,30 Break
11,30 – 12,15 The Reform and the multiplication of images – Frank Muller
12,15 – 13,30 Break/Meal
13,30 – 14,15 The kerygmatic and aesthetic dimension of Protestant hymnology – Beat Föllmi
14,15 – 14,45 The visual arts of various Protestantisms (Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, the radical reform) and their current influences — Jérôme Cottin
14,45 – 15,30 God, Language and Time: The Emergence of a Protestant Aesthetic in the Reformation period – William Dyrness
15,30 – 16,15 Catholic Counter-Reformation Art as Reaction and Response to the Reform – Timothy Verdon
16,15 –16,45 Break
16,45 – 17,30 The Resurrection of the Image in the English Protestant Imagination: from William Blake to Bill Viola – Ben Quash
17,30 – 18,00 Contributions and limitations of the Reformation toward a theology of artistic gesture or Protestant Reform and the Reform of the Church – Denis Villepelet
18,00 End of First Day of the Symposium
Saturday, May 20
Art and (Protestant) Christian Spirituality in situ
5 excursions around the city of Strasbourg in two groups: one group in English, one group in French
Excursion 1
Around the Cathedral: Visit of the maison du Cerf; a few Biblical motifs of the west facade; the astronomical clock – a Protestant work
Excursion 2
Visit of the Luther Exhibition at the Bibliothèque Nationale Universitaire; Luther and the Reformation in the Rhine Area. On display, one of the two originals of first print Bibles from Guttenberg. Visit in small groups, ie. no more than 15 persons per group.
Excursion 3
Discovery of the only Baroque Protestant Church in France (architecture, paintings, organ and liturgical furnishings): Sainte Aurélie Church
Excursion 4
Getting to know Albert Schweitzer, preacher and organist, at Saint Guillaume and at Saint Nicholas
Excursion 5
Contemporary art at Saint Pierre le Jeune (Protestant): meeting with Sylvie Lander (possibly also Susan Kanaga and Filippo Rossi)
Sunday, May 21
Site visits to Places and Events of the Reformation in Strasbourg (1517-1525)
Florence, Italy | May 26-28
Thursday, May 25
Museo dell’Opera del Duomo
Piazza del Duomo, 9, 50122 Florence, Italy
17,00 Opening, Mostra di Filippo Rossi and Susan Kanaga
18,30 Ecumenical Vespers, Baptistery of St. John
19,30 Dinner at Palazzo Arcivescovile
Friday, May 26
Centro Arte e Cultura dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
pza San Giovanni 9, 50122 Florence, Italy
9,30 Report on Paris and Strasbourg: Jerome Cottin, Denis Villepelet
10,00 Florence and the Theological Vocation of Giotto and Michelangelo, Msgr. Verdon (Stanford)
10,30 Aspects of Byzantine Art, Vasileios Marinis (Yale)
11,00 Spirit and matter, human hands and faith of the Church: the sacramental character of the icon in Eastern theology, Basilio Petra (Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Centrale)
Discussion and Break
12,00 Yvonne zu Dohna (Universita Gregoriana, Rome)
12,30 Severino Dianich (FTIC)
15,00 Agnese Maria Fortuna (L’Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose I. Galantini)
15,30 Gianni Ciolo (FTIC)
16,00 Jerome Cottin (U of Strasbourg)
Discussion and Break
17,00 The Italian Contribution to 19th century English Liturgical Art, Ben Quash (King’s College London)
18,00 God, Language and Time: The Emergence of a Protestant Aesthetic in the Reformation period, William Dyrness (Fuller)
19,00 Dinner
Saturday, May 27
10,00 Luther’s Florence: Santa Maria Nuova and Ospedale degli Innocenti
12,30 Lunch
14,30 Fra Angelico at San Marco
Sunday, May 28
10,30 Depart for Barga
12,30 Midday Office in Duomo in Barga
13,00 Lunch at Via Sacra
14,30 Conference on the Community of Jesus and their art
16,00 Merenda
17,00 Depart for Florence
Schedule subject to change. Please check back for updates!